The Perry Street Farmers Market is committed to an agriculturally based market. Membership in the market is subject to the guidelines outlined below and the discretion of The Board of Directors.
WHAT IS NOT ALLOWED AT the Perry Street Farmers' MARKET?
- Commercial or Imported Items
- Second Hand Items (Exception: Those vendors who take a second hand item and recycle that item into a new use);
- Franchises: Those who have entered into an agreement or received a license to sell a company’s products and/or use a company’s packaging, logo, ingredients, and/or marketing tools under that license or any franchise agreement;
- Non-Owner Operated Businesses: Only those businesses that are operated and controlled by their Washington State-based, or border county-based, owners are permitted at the market; and
- Out-of-State Processing: All processed products sold at the Perry Street Farmers' Market must be processed within Washington State, or it's border counties.
Who is allowed to sell at the perry street farmers' market?
One who raises produce, plants or botanicals, or animals on land they own, lease or rent, in the State of Washington or border counties. The definition of Farmer may also include someone who processes produce, fruit, berries, botanicals, meats, honey, etc., which is grown, raised, or harvested on their own, leased or rented property, in the State of Washington or border counties and then turned into value added product(s) such as jams, cider, salsa, vinegars, alcoholic beverages(*), essential oils or any other botanical use. It may also include Farmers who raise the basic ingredient(s) of a product, but who must send it out for fundamental processing, either within Washington State or border counties, before creating the value added product. Such Vendors might include those Farmers selling certain essential oils, smoked meats or fish, etc. This excludes Resellers or those who might work on, or manage a corporately owned farm and have permission to dispose of surplus product.
SEAFOODS: In the case of seafood, the vendor must own, lease, or operate the fishing vessel or own, lease or rent the parcel of land where the seafood is caught or harvested. The vendor must be a legal resident of the State of Washington or one of the border counties.
*ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Alcoholic beverages must be made entirely from ingredients grown in Washington, or from grapes grown in a recognized Washington appellation, except for certain additives required for processing which cannot be produced in the State of Washington, not amounting to more than 5% of the total volume of the beverage.
One who sells foods that they have personally prepared or processed on property that they own, lease, or rent in the State of Washington. Processors are persons offering fresh food products (such as meats, seafood, ciders, wines, baked goods, jams, nuts, etc.) that have added value to their product through some sort of “hands-on” processing (e.g., hand-filleted fish, smoked or butchered meats, handmade candies/nuts, etc.), but have not raised the ingredients themselves. All Processors must meet all Federal, State, County and local Health Department requirements. All appropriate permits and licenses must be submitted and filed with the Market Manager. Processors must produce their products in Washington State only, or in the border counties listed in Appendix A. Processed food producers should use ingredients from Washington State farms or waters as much as possible, and WSFMA Member Markets should give stall preference to those Processors who use ingredients from Washington State farms or waters.
SEAFOODS: In the case of seafood vendors, the product must originate from the greater Pacific Northwest, which includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and British Columbia.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Alcoholic beverages must be made entirely from ingredients grown in Washington, or from grapes grown in a recognized Washington appellation, except for certain additives required for processing, but which cannot be produced in the State of Washington, not amounting to more than 5% of the total volume of the beverage.
Prepared Food vendors (Concessionaires) offer freshly made foods, available for sale and immediate consumption on-site. Prepared Food vendors shall submit and also possess and maintain all required State, County, and local Health Department permits. All appropriate permits and licenses shall be filed with the management of the market. Prepared Food vendors should use ingredients produced in Washington State as much as possible.
To qualify as an Artisan/Crafter, a majority of the tools and equipment used to produce their products must require skill, personal handling and/or manipulation, including second-hand items that are recycled, re-purposed and/or skillfully and creatively refurbished for new or improved use. Artisans/Crafters should incorporate materials grown or produced in Washington State as much as possible and create their products in Washington State only. The Perry Street Farmers' Market gives priority to those Artisan/Crafter vendors who use materials from Washington State.